Intelligence for Your Life

The Secret to Become Better Drivers

Before you hit the road, fill your travel mug with coffee and turn on the radio! Because those two things […] ... Continue Reading

Taking a Mental Health Day Off Work

If you’re going to take a mental health day off work – which day should it be?  Here’s the answer […] ... Continue Reading

Want to Add an Extra 10 Years to Your Life? 

If you want to add an extra 10 years to your life…. Go swimming!  According to Northwestern University, the more […] ... Continue Reading

Why are We All Still so Stressed?

Life is pretty much back to normal……But a new survey by the American Psychological Association finds 75% of people are […] ... Continue Reading

Benefits of Eating Peanuts for Weight Loss

I have 2 questions for you…… Are you trying to lose weight? And, do you like peanuts? If the answers […] ... Continue Reading

What Does Having a Strong Grip Mean?

Let’s say there’s a jar of pickles or pasta sauce……Do people hand the jar to YOU to open? That means […] ... Continue Reading

How Long Should a Hug Last? 

Psychologists at the University of London looked into it and they say a hug that’s intended to make someone feel […] ... Continue Reading

Why Your Dog Needs a Fitness Tracker 

Does your dog need a fitness tracker? They might……Because more than half of all dogs are considered overweight or obese.  […] ... Continue Reading

Side Hustles to Earn Extra Money

If you’re looking to earn some extra money, here are a few side hustles to consider:  First: Teach classes online. […] ... Continue Reading

Your Relationship Depends on Your Bedtime

Why should you and your partner go to bed at the same time… To improve your relationship, you and your […] ... Continue Reading

Why Dog Thieves are After Your Pet 

According to animal rescue groups, dog thefts have nearly doubled. Keep a close eye on your PETS! Because, according to […] ... Continue Reading

The Secret Tip that Builds Willpower Muscle

How using your non-dominant hand changes your brain. If you’re doing anything that requires willpower – like dieting or cutting […] ... Continue Reading

How a Laugh Improves Memory 

Loma Linda University: laughing makes your brain process memories more effectively.  Here’s an amazing memory booster. If you’ve been more […] ... Continue Reading

This Tip Stops Freak-outs

Here’s how to activate your brain’s “chill out” circuit How can you calm down when an issue arises and you […] ... Continue Reading

Brisk Walks=16 More Years of Life

A new study is now telling us that Extending your life is as easy as going for a brisk walk!  […] ... Continue Reading

Why this One Move Guarantees Long Relationships

Long relationships are 100% guaranteed with this one move What’s the key to a loving, long-lasting, relationship? Having joint bank […] ... Continue Reading

3 Important Factors to Cut Your Cancer Risk

Get ready to cancer-proof your life! Because, according to University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, all you need are 3 factors […] ... Continue Reading

Do This When You’re Upset With Your Partner

Before you get upset with your partner over something – like not remembering a chore you asked them to do […] ... Continue Reading

How To Help Your Plants Grow

You may have heard that playing classical music will boost the growth of a baby’s brain. It’s called the “Mozart […] ... Continue Reading

Why Chore-Sharing is Important For Couples

Couples: When it comes to household chores, do you divide them between you – or do you share them, say, […] ... Continue Reading